Question 121
Dear Preschool
I'm working with a 4 year old. I am
having trouble trying to find a way to teach her to tell the
difference between something that is the same, and different.
Can you give me any good ideas? I feel I have tried just about
everything I can think of. She also don't know her colors.
Same & Different
Dear Same & Different,
The child may not be really or you are doing
too much. What I do with the one who have trouble is to talk about how
I am the same and different. Let them repeat and help them to tell how
they are the same and different from me. Describe simple things as the
differences and same in balls, the toys they choose to play
with. One little boy did not get it until the last four weeks of
school. Just as long as you help them, they will get it sooner or
latter. Some kids just takes lots of practice and some get it
right away. Don't rush them.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Same & Different,
Repetition here would be your greatest help.
Comment on things throughout the day that are ordinary: color of
things, counting, use of items, etc. Going by car is different
from walking or riding a bike, but they are transportation.
Swimming is different from running, but they are exercise (or play).
Apples are different from bananas, but they are fruit. Etc. Make
it a game, make it fun. Let the child think of ways to 'test'
you, they will learn in the process.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Same & Different,
Identifying same and different is a
developmental skill. I have found that many fours have trouble
with this concept. I try to explain a little using other terms
they might be more familiar with , such as look like each other.
Sometimes we just have to wait until they can grasp the concept. Keep
trying every few weeks. With colors, I suggest that you just
start naming all the colors you see and work with each day. Play
a game. Children love Candyland. Match the colors in a Memory
game. This is also good for explaining same and different.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Same & Different,
My suggestion is DO NOT try to teach any of
these concepts. Just use them in every day activities. Look
at Aunt Jo's car it it the same as ours it is blue. Look at your
shorts they are different than Tammy's your are red hers are green.
The same with the colors. Lets get you blue shorts today.. or
your red shirt.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"