Question 122
Dear Preschool Teacher,
I always keep conversation on while driving
my two children. At times, I cannot concentrate on what they are
asking because of the heavy traffic situation. But my elder son,
5 yrs old keeps wanting an answer from me. Sometime, it really make me
mad and scolded him out front. I felt bad after each incident.
I've explained the situation that I was in to him a couple of times
but still face the same problem. He doesn't seem to understand.
Do you have better suggestion?
Mad Driver
Dear Mad Driver,
What I did when riding with my grandkids was to sing
songs, rhymes, etc.. When I could give them time for questions I had a code
word for the day. That was the signal to ask questions. Then repeat the code
word to let them know we had to go back doing the other. It took about a
month and they caught on.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Mad Driver,
Five year olds can be very persistent! Explain
that you love him and want to hear every thing he has to say but that
sometimes, especially when driving, you have to pay attention to the road .
You can tell him to remember his questions until you can answer them.
Sometimes our children just have to wait. It won't hurt him and may teach
him some patience. We
all get angry at our children and sometimes it is justified. You have
explained and apologized so move on. Guilt is a great weapon if we allow our
children to use it against us. When safety is important, just tell him it
could be dangerous for you to not pay attention to your driving.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Mad Driver,
always told my children that we could talk in the car unless traffic
or the weather meant it was "No Talking Time!" I
always carried coloring books and crayons in the car and also sets of
Books-With-Tapes. Often, I would put a tape in so they could
listen to it as they looked at the book. I would often have to
remind them "What Time is It?, and they would remember and answer
"No Talking Time". This worked for all my sons who are now
30, 28, 20, and 18. Now, I have put all this stuff back in my
car because of my 5-year old grandson, who talks more than any of them
ever did!
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Mad Driver,
Driving in the car is a terrific time to talk
with your kids usually, but you are right that there are times that
you need to concentrate more. Young children would have a
difficult time understanding this. Maybe you could keep a few
special books, snacks, books on cassette or other items in the car
that would be used only during these times. Rotate the items as
needed to keep them fresh and you should have an easier time.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"