Question 126
Dear Preschool Teacher,
I am student teaching. One of my up and
coming themes is Mirrors. I am having a very difficult time
coming up with activities relating to and using mirrors. Any
Not Seeing Clear
Dear Not Seeing Clear,
Mirrors sounds like a difficult theme. I have never
done that before! I would probably focus on reflections. I would use the mirror
to notice facial features and draw self-portraits. You could make 1/2 of
a drawing and put a mirror next to it to show the exact same thing in the
reflection. Practice letters of the alphabet by writing them backwards and
using a mirror to name them. As a motor skill, have two children face
each other, tell one of them that he is the mirror and must reflect the other
persons actions. They might need to practice in a mirror first!
This lesson might be a reflection of your teaching!
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Not Seeing Clear,
I personally have a problem with this theme.
While it certainly has lots of learning potential, the experimentation would
have to be done someplace where the mirror is stationary and very secure to
avoid an accident. There are certain things which should never be played
with, and I'd say glass mirrors is
certainly one of them! No matter how supervised an activity is, we should
never model the use of inappropriate materials which the children might come
across when unsupervised and try to play with.
That said, I can add to the other posts, that
you might want to try some 'what happens when we put' ____ on the mirror
experiments. Things like soap, paint, steam, shaving cream..... and do
some finger-painting.... sounds like fun and you
could do some 'where did ___ go' and 'who do you see now' as you expose the
covered mirror. You could also use flashlights on the mirror in light and
dark rooms and see what happens.
In my center, we have childproof mirrors but they are not good for this kind of
experimentation. Kids can see themselves but they mark up very easily.
Good luck
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Not Seeing Clear,
Perhaps you
could tie in a self-portrait with the children looking in a mirror to see what
they look like.
You could paint directly on a mirror and then have children
make a print of the picture by placing a piece of paper on the mirror and
Kris P
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Not Seeing Clear,
One idea for using mirrors is to let the children finger-paint
on them! This is a fun activity, as the children can see themselves in
the mirror as they paint. You could use a variety of different substances
to paint with such as paint, shaving cream, whipped cream or pudding.
When the children have finished, just take a print of their masterpiece by
pressing a piece of paper onto the paint and pressing it over their work.
It's only one idea for you but one that the children in my classes have always
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Not Seeing Clear,
I use mirrors
in my getting to know you part of my Pre-School program at the beginning of the
year. I give each child a mirror during our circle time and ask them what is
different about each one of us. example freckles, blue eyes, and so on. Then I
ask what is the same. We have lot's of fun with
this. They still ask to bring out the mirrors. I also finger paint on them and
put a sheet of paper on the mirror to save the picture.
Kris W
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"