Question 134
Dear Preschool Teacher,
Why are Early childhood teachers sometimes
seen as nothing more than babysitters?
Don't Call Me Babysitter
Dear Don't Call Me Babysitter,
I think it's a lack of understanding on the parent's part as to the fact that we are trained to teach children through play and other activities. They only see the "play" part and assume that's all the children are doing--playing. I don't think they understand that we incorporate many things into playing and singing songs and doing fingerplays and playing games and all the other numerous things we do.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Don't Call Me Babysitter,
I have been an
ECE teacher for over fifteen years. I know how important the work I do is. I
take satisfaction and pride in that work. Most intelligent and thoughtful
people also know how important early development is and value the work ECE
teachers do. For those others I say ignore them. There
will always be ignorant people in the world with confused value systems. Hold
your head high and be proud of who you are and the important work you do!
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Don't Call Me Babysitter,
The biggest
factor is probably the low wages paid to most teachers. Many places do not
require any training for teachers so we are considered untrained like
"babysitters." We know it takes a special type of personality
to be a good teacher. Unfortunately, many "professionals" are
only working for the money and because they think watching children is easy.
Some people do only babysitting, but it is up to us as professionals to train
others to see us that way. We have to respect ourselves as a profession
before others will respect us!
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"