Question 137
Dear Preschool
For my final project in my ECE class I have to
dramatize a children's book or a scene from a children's book. I can
use props or puppets, but I'm having trouble coming up with a good
book to bring to life and what props I should use. Any
Budding Playwright
Dear Budding Playwright,
There are so many great books to
dramatize! Try any of the classic folk tales. The Three
Billy Goats Gruff ( one version is by Paul Galdone) would work well.
Make paper plate goats masks. Use three children of different
sizes to act as the goats. Make a troll mask. Use a
rocking boat that flips over to be steps for your bridge. Or any item
that resembles one.
The Little Red Hen, Henny
Penny, The Three Bears and The Elves and The Shoemaker could all be
done using masks and a few props. You could also use a narrator
( perhaps yourself!) so none of the children would be scared about
speaking in front of strangers.
Any book with repetitive phrases
would work too. The Very Hungry Caterpillar could have one
person wear a green sweat suit and fly from food to food (
poster board held by other children) and eat them up. It would
be cute to use stuffed, but durable props like pillows and have
a stretch leotard on the caterpillar. As he eats, he could stuff
the "foods' into his
leotard and grow fat! When it is time to cocoon, the caterpillar
could roll up in a blanket. While inside he could remove all the
pillows and slip on wings and emerge as a beautiful butterfly!
Use you imagination and you will
think of a creative way to dramatize a book.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Budding Playwright,
I like to book "ELMER".
You could make a patchwork puppet with a paper bag, or use a simple
gray elephant.
Hope this helps.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Budding Playwright,
There are so many good choices!
I'm thinking you mean for YOU to dramatize as you tell the story to
the children?
Any of the classics would make a good flannelboard
story. You could almost look to see what kind of puppets are
available, and then find a story to go with them.
It's fun to tell "There was an old lady who
swallowed a fly" by putting the various things in her plastic
"see through" stomach. (I like the refrain changed to
"Oh me, Oh my" instead of "Perhaps she'll die")
Maybe make a sock puppet for "The Very Hungry
Caterpillar" and use plastic food or pictures to slip into the
sock's stomach. Use a towel for the cocoon, and slip on
beautiful paper wings to change to a butterfly.
Maybe these ideas will spark some of your own!
Kris P
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Budding Playwright,
A really fun book to dramatize is
"Caps for Sale". I am not sure who the author is, but
it is about a man who carries caps on his head that he is selling, and
when he sits down under a tree, monkeys take the hats. The
children love playing the part of the monkeys and there are enough
parts for a large class. A co-worker of mine did this story at a
Parent's Night and they loved it.
Have fun!
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"