3-29-00 Question 21
Dear Preschool Teacher,
We are writing to you from Tootinaowaziibeeng Anishinabe
Head Start in Manitoba. We are a brand new program. We have just
started working with the children in September, and our attendance has
been slow but sure. Now we have a total of 16 Newborn to 2 year olds
Our question is, if we could possibly receive a copy of a developmental
checklist for this age category. We are developing our own, but
would like to see other tools that you would use, just to give us an
example. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
Checklist for Twos
Dear Checklist for Twos,
You have given me quite a challenge. I do not teach this age
personally, so I do not have this information available. I did however
look around the internet. I have only been able to find three pages
with the information you are looking for. I hope they help.
The Preschool Teacher