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3-29-00 Question 23

Dear Preschool Teacher,
    I teach 5yr olds. I have to teach them about invention unit, What is the most important and easier invention that the kids can be learned at this age.

Dear Inventions?,
    The same opinion seemed to be shared by many of the "Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff. Teaching inventions my not be DAP. We did brain storm a bit to try to help as much as we could. 
The Preschool Teacher

Dear Inventions?,
    This question seems a bit confusing to me.  If the question is wanting to teach inventors, that doesn't seem DAP to me. But putting out all sorts of recyclables and found stuff, along with tape, glue and staples can be extremely rewarding and
the children then are the true inventors!  I've had great luck with things such as cereal boxes, cardboard tubes, yogurt containers, juice can lids, etc. etc.
Hope this helps!
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Inventions?,
    I agree about the DAP. But I have been brainstorming too. There has to be a way to bring such an important thing to their level. One I came up with this making a telephone from string and cups. Something simple that most of us did as a kid. So maybe the telephone. I was also thing the light bulb. There are alot of things you can do with the light bulb, but not really anything that teaches about the invention it's self.
Preschool Teacher

Dear Inventions?,
    I agree that "Inventions" may not be developmentally appropriate.  Maybe something on a child's level, such as "peanut butter".  February was Black History Month.  Demonstrate how a simple peanut was used to "invent" peanut butter!  Then the children can eat the invention! It could be fun!
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Inventions?,
    I can't come up with any particular invention that would be appropriate for preschoolers, except for basic things such as magnets, the telephone, electricity, etc.  It would have to be something that they can totally relate to. But coming up with
activities to go along with electricity - yikes!
    In my class right now, we are making our own inventions - leprechaun traps!  This is a project that I assign every March for children to do at home with the help of their families.  The traps are starting to come in this week, and I can't believe the devices the kids have created! 
    Maybe having the children come up with their own inventions would be a good way to approach this topic.
Hope this helps.
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

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