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3-29-00 Question 25

Dear Preschool Teacher,
    My daughter is 3 1/2.  She started preschool in Sept.  This is her first experience.  (I am a stay home mom)  Some of the kids in her class can write their own name, the ABC's, and can identify the letters.  My daughter can trace the letter but has no clue when she tries it herself.  She does not know, by looking, her letters. She seems to be behind some of the other kids. 
Should I Worry?

Dear Should I Worry?,
    No!  In my experience, children start to write their own name when they are ready, and many 3 1/2 year olds just aren't interested. Every year I have several parents who ask me the same question that you are asking, and I tell them that we do not force children to sit and write in our program.  However, we provide them with activities to stimulate their interest...for example, we use name tags and play games to see who can identify their name, we make class books, the children make their own books, we have a writing center, where we provide different paper, ABC letter stamps, a word box full of simple words to copy, etc. In the spring we work with kids who will be entering kindergarten in the fall, to help them write their name and recognize letters.  I'd say give it time and see if she's more interested in a few months.  Try giving her writing materials such as envelopes, writing paper, bind blank pages together for her to make her own book (she can dictate to you what to write).  Also, make sure you read to her daily.  I'm sure she'll show interest in writing and the ABC's real soon!
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Should I Worry?,
All children develop skills at their own pace, and at 31/2 your  daughter is doing just fine! Let her enjoy socializing and  discovering new things with enjoyment and without pressure! The alphabet will be learned in due time, not to worry ;o)
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Should I Worry?,
No, you don't need to worry.  I am a preschool teacher of both 3's and 4's. I don't expect the kids in my 3 year old class to write letters or names. It's not until my 4 year old class that we really concentrate on learning how to write their names and letters.  I have some 4 year olds who are close to 5 that don't know their letters and don't show much interest in writing their names or letters.  The important thing is not to push.  It will come, and when it does your child will be wanting to write all sorts of things. Don't put a lot of pressure on your child--that will only frustrate her. The important thing is to keep working at home by making it a fun experience.
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Should I Worry?,
All children learn at a different pace.  I have fours who cannot write their name and two and a half who can.  This is not something that I worry about until the last few months before they are to start kindergarten.  I encourage them but do not make an issue of it.
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Should I Worry?,
I would not worry at all. I teach a 4 year old class all almost all kids who are with stay at home mothers. I personally believe that preschool is the time in life when children should focus almost all their attention on social skills. She will learn to write her name and all those other skills when she is ready. Let her be a kid:)
P.S. my own son started kindergarten this year and 3 kids in his class could not write their names when school started and now can do it great!
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

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