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4-20-00 Question 29

Dear Preschool Teacher,
    I am currently taking a Educational Technology class and need to know how other teachers use technology in their classrooms.  I would like to know what you think about using computers with preschoolers.  Thanks for your help.
Computers in class

Dear Computers in class,
I don't have a computer in my classroom.  We don't have the money to purchase one.  If one were donated to the school, I'm not sure what I would do.  I believe the kids need to learn the basics before they start spending hours on the computer.  I had a 4 year old a couple of years ago who could not hold a pencil, cut with a scissors.  His mom just laughed and said he spends too much time on the computer and playing video games.  He was way behind on his fine motor skills.  My own children are older, and emphasis is not stressed on neat penmanship anymore because now they can just type out all their reports.  My oldest son's writing is horrible.  I am not down on computers, I could spend all day on one!  I just don't think preschool kids need to spend so much time on them.
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Computers in Class,
    I use computers everyday!  I teach a special needs preschool class.  Ages range are 3,4, or 5.  Various switches are connected to the computer (Macintosh) for each student's particular use.  One student uses the computer (Speaking Dynamically) to "talk" to use about his desires/needs for the day.
    At least once a week we have a group lesson using the computer.  Each students gets a turn deciding a particular outcome with a program.  It is VERY motivational in my particular setting.
Hope this helps!
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

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