1-24-00 Question 3
Dear Preschool Teacher,
I have been teaching in the public schools
for ten years, the last five of which have been Kindergarten. I am
very interested in starting my own preschool. Could anyone provide
helpful resources to get me started (business manuals, websites,
Thank you in advance. I am very excited about
pursuing this dream.
Starting on my Own
Dear Starting on my Own,
Not owning a center myself I am not sure on how
to start one. Here is the information I have found on the web, that
might be of use to you.
do I start a Child care center
And some books that might be of
interest are:
Starting and operating a childcare center by Jean Billman
Profitable Child Care : How to Start
and Run a Successful Business
by Nan Lee Howkins, Heldi Kane Rosenholtz, Heidi K. Rosenrholtz
Start Your Own Childcare Business
(Start Your Own)
by Dawn Kilgore (Editor)
How to Start and Manage a Child Care
Services Business : A Practical Way to Start Your Own Business
by Jerre G. Lewis, Leslie D. Renn
This book is available through Amazon.com.
See the link below.
You sound very excited and I hope you
are able to obtain your dream!
Best Wishes,
The Preschool Teacher |