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4-20-00 Question 32

Dear Preschool Teacher,
    I'm in a Child Care class over at Bedford Science and Technology center in Virginia, where we watch little children ages 3 and 4.  For a grade, we have to have a file box with ten subjects and index cards.  The purpose of this is so we can write activities on them and so if we are in the lab with the children, and we don't have an activity planned for that day, we can look on the card and do that activity. One of the subjects is language and I though of a couple of things, but I can't think of/find anything else.  The things I thought of was to make and alphabet book, an animal book, and color letters of the alphabet and cutting them out and spell out words that they know.  I was wondering if you could help me by giving me some ideas or web sites.  I would surely appreciate it if you could help me.
Thanks for your time,
Language activities?

Dear Language activities?,
One of the activities I did when I was a student teacher to help develop language skills in my preschoolers, was to have the children tell you a story (made up) and you write down what they said on different sheets of paper (which became their book), and then have them color pictures according to what they said, and put that all together as their class book. 
    Also, if you go to the Child Fun website and put in language activities, you will get a bunch of ideas, such as reciting nursery rhymes to the children. Their web address is:
    Any time you read to children or sing and play music, you are helping to develop their language skills.  So just try and pack your lesson with stories and lots of music.
    For a center, you might have books that they can tell you about.
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Language activities?,
    A few things that I can think of are making a book out of a book that you have read, folder games, making puppets coordinating them with a book or have children make up a story, ABC flash cards, any flash cards with the language them, felt characters and books coordinating the story.  I hope some of these ideas work for you.
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

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