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7-19-00 Question 38

Dear Preschool Teacher,
    I am looking for a sample of a health policy.  I am opening up my own preschool and would like to see how to prepare or write a policy on health exclusions and medications. 
Thank You,
Health Policy

Dear Health Policy,
      I started a preschool 4 years ago.  I got several parent handbooks from other directors that I knew and that helped me with this.  You can also add to it.  You will need to get a health inspection.  He/she can also answer many of your questions. I hope this helps you.
Brenda  of Ohio
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Health Policy,
     You can get a health inspection book from you state.  I am sure each state is different on this subject area.  You also have to get certain specifications for fire alarm system in you center/ daycare.  The state is really pretty cooperative with this kind of information.
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Health Policy,
     You need to check with the licensing dept. for your state.  They can provide you with the guidelines for setting up a health policy.  In our center, we have some specifics, here are just a few:
1.  Children with a temperature of 100 degrees will be sent home.   Children with fevers may not return to school until they are fever free for 24 hrs. w/out the use of fever-reducing meds.
2.  Rashes - any rash will be reported to the parent. Rashes should be checked by a dr. before the child returns to school.
3.  Vomiting/diarrhea - children will be sent home. Children must remain symptom free for 24 hrs. before returning to school.
4. Pink-eye, conjunctivitis - children should be on antibiotic before returning to school

Etc., Etc., Etc.  We have too many regulations to include them all here.  But you get the general idea. Be sure to follow your state's guidelines, and be SPECIFIC about what your policy is.  Many parents will try to "pull a fast one" on you and send their ill child to school.  Be sure you strictly enforce the health policy you create, to keep the other children, and you, healthy!
Good Luck,
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

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