9-17-00 Question 44
Dear Preschool
I am beginner preschool teacher. I only work with the
kids two days a week but would like for us to do something educational and
fun with the kids. The only problem is that they are only about 20 months
old and it's hard to keep their attention long enough to do crafts. If you
think of anything or have any suggestions please post it.
Beginning Teacher
Dear Beginning Teacher,
Children this young do have short attention
span. The best way to get things done in your classroom is to keep them
short and simple. As for educational activities remember that children learn
best by playing. Even young children are learning many skill by playing.
Just be sure to provide centers to the children at play time. Playdoh, easy
puzzles, books, stacking games, sensory activities. Rotate the toys often to
ad variety of activities without over whelming the children.
Art Projects are also something that need to be kept
simple. Painting with one color. Gluing tissue paper to a shape. Simple,
simple, simple, that is the key.
Good Luck
The Preschool Teacher