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9-17-00 Question 45

Dear Preschool Teacher,
    I am a new Preschool Teacher. I would like to know if you have any suggestions on how to introduce letters of the alphabet. Is there a specific order in which I should introduce the alphabets? Within how many weeks of school is a good time to start prewriting skills? I would appreciate any suggestions or tips you have.
Introducing Letters

Dear Introducing Letters,
You don't mention, but are you working with 4 or 5 year olds?  I don't feel the alphabet belongs in a 3 year old classroom.  The order doesn't really matter -- you can coincide with your theme, "A" for apples, "M" for me, "F" for fall, etc., or you can go in alphabetical order.  I do a letter a week, in ABC order, beginning the end of September, holiday months may only have 1 or 2 letters introduced.  I feel it usually takes a few weeks of school to get to know the children, so maybe start your prewriting the end of September also.
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Introducing Letters,
I suggest waiting a few weeks before introducing letters.  In my experience the first 2-3 weeks of preschool is a time for children to get to know the classroom routine and for the teacher to get to know the children and how they learn. 
    I also suggest introducing letters based on your classroom themes.   For example, during September, you might be discussing Apples, therefore, you could introduce the letter Aa to them, or Bb for bus.  In October, you could do the letter Pp for pumpkins, Ll for leaves, etc.  In general, you might try focusing on just one letter every 2 weeks so that you don't overwhelm the children.  Don't worry if you don't get to all the letters in the course of the school year. Most likely, most of the children in your class will be with you for another year (if your preschool takes children from 3-5 years old) and eventually, you will cover most of the letters.  Some programs even choose to focus on just the consonants, as they are easier sounds for the children to distinguish.  This is up to you to decide. I find that this method makes learning the letters more relevant to the children.  Just giving them a letter a week without regard to what your theme is would be too abstract for children this age.  That is my opinion.
Good Luck!
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Introducing Letters,
I'm wondering what aged preschoolers you work with. In our 3 year old class, we introduce the alphabet mid year, following colors and shapes.  We do the alphabet letter by letter, with the goals being to recognize the letter at sight and it's phonetic sound.  With the 4 year olds, we begin with a lot of printing readiness exercises and then begin the alphabet, adding printing the letters to our goals.  This year, the 3 year old's will focus their alphabet program on characters-- A for Aladdin, B for Beauty and the Beast, C for Cookie Monster, D for Dumbo etc.... It's a fun, relaxed method. The 4 year old's will follow the Letterland program which is one of the formal pictogram based alphabet programs currently on the market, ( but there are several good ones out there to choose from.  
Good luck and have fun.
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Introducing Letters,
I start my letter two weeks after school starts.  I do my letters according to my themes.  I will start with "A" because my theme is apples.  I will then go to "L" because I will be doing leaves.  I do one letter a week.
"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff

Dear Introducing Letters,
There is no specific order to teach the letters. I introduce them with the theme and with an art project.  We talk about the "letter of the Week" at circle time. We look for the letter in the environment.  Start prewriting skills right away.  Many of the things you do daily are prewriting activities.  Puzzles, playdough, cutting with scissors, tracing objects and stringing beads are a few  activities that enhance writing when the child is ready for it.

"Ask the Preschool Teacher" Staff


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