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5/10/01 Question 95

Dear Preschool Teacher,
     Can a preschool teacher be brought up on abuse charges for supposedly spanking a child 3 years ago, when he was 2 and he remembered that only one time she hit his thigh.  This scenario was presented during a employee meeting and our director had no idea.  Can she?
Abuse Charges

Dear Abuse Charges,
A preschool teacher can probably be brought up on charges at any time.  There is no time limit that I know of.  Each state may be different. There are cases of  adults accusing parents of abuse when they were children. Due to the age of the child there may be doubts, but if the parents have a
witness or some other kind of proof, it may be possible to convict someone.
       This case, if it is real, needs to be referred to legal counsel.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear Abuse Charges,
It is my understanding that allegations of abuse must have substantial evidence to get a conviction.  I personally doubt that the 'memory' of a child at age 2 would serve as sufficient evidence for a conviction.  But, let's face it. Unfortunately,  the damage is generally done to a teacher's reputation once
allegations are made and it is a frightening situation for all of us in the child care field!
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear Abuse Charges,
I really doubt that a teacher can be brought up on abuse charges from an incident that happened 3 years prior.  Without knowing the whole situation it is really hard to answer this question but abuse is determined by standards that would be hard to determine after such an amount of time has passed. I
would not recommend spanking any children though.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear Abuse Charges,
There bring it up now because their time limit is almost up. My dad is a lawyer and I just asked, in a scenario, this question. He said that alot of it has to be proven through any pictures or documentation. Because they can not go buy what a two year old says. Two year old's are  not old enough to say what actually happen.
      The only thing they can use is the pictures and documentation. They also have to have had it reported to authorities at the time it happened.
      That Question is a only if Question. Someone would have to have specifics to know exactly.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"

Dear Abuse Charges,
I really don't know the answer to your question.  I wouldn't think that a 2 year old could remember in any kind of detail what happened three years ago.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"


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