Question 97
Dear Preschool
I am a high school student. My Child Development class
teaches 3 years old children. I really need help on teaching the kids.
I'm doing the letter N, R and V, and I need help on finger play for
letter N, R, and V. I can't find any thing on them. Please help.
Letter N, R, and V
Dear Letter N, R, and V,
Noisy Nails
I use my hammer and five nails. (Show 5 fingers.)
"That's too noisy," my neighbor yells!
(Raise voice.)
I'll hammer them now before it's night!
1,2,3,4,5 (Pretend to hammer.)
And to my neighbor I'll be polite!
Robin Red Breast
Way up high, little robin flying just so. (hands up
Quick down low for a worm he must go. (hands down low)
With a wing on the left and a wing on the right, (arms
extended one at a time, left first, then right)
Fly to your nest for soon it will be night. (arms flapping
arms as if flying)
Riding in my Van (Poem or Rap)
I have on my vest and my visor too! (Touch chest and
hold hand over eyes.)
They are new and the color is blue! (Clap on
"new" and on "blue.")
I'm riding in my van and taking in the view. (Pretend to
be driving.)
Maybe next time you can come, too! (Still pretend to
be driving.)
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"
Dear Letter N, R, and V,
These fingerplays came from a book
titled: "1001
Rhymes and Fingerplays" compiled by the Totline Staff.
(ISBN WPH 1503) .
N is for Nuts
N is for nuts that I like to eat,
N is for nest where a bird can sleep.
N is for net to catch a big fish,
N is for noodles, my favorite dish.
N is for noise, a very loud sound,
N is for nails that I like to pound.
Jean Warren
You can find pictures of all these things and place them on a
flannelboard as you sing or make up motions to the words.
"A Rooster, a Rabbit and a Robin"
A rooster, a rabbit and a robin
Went rowing down the river one day.
They met a friendly rhinoceros,
And asked if she wanted a to play.
The rhino loved to play in the water,
She rolled and rolled all around.
But the great big waves she created
Turned the rowboat upside down.
The rooster, the rabbit and the robin
Then climbed on the rhino's back.
She sailed them way down the river,
And then she sailed them right on back. Jean Warren
This would be very cute with pictures for the children to manipulate.
Maybe stick puppets or paper bag puppets for a puppet show!
The Letter "V"
I love to make the letter V
For everyone to see.
V is for vinegar, V is for van,
And V is for victory! Elizabeth McKinnon
Make the V sign with two fingers for this letter.
There are probably a lot more in this book too. It is divided
into topics. A great resource if you plan to teach.
"Ask The Preschool Teacher Staff"