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1-24-00  Question 1 / Theme ideas
Dear Preschool Teacher,
    I have monthly get together for my parents and am running out of ideas for the upcoming meetings.  Do you have any ideas for themes, activities, etc.... that I could use?
Need help    More...

1-24-00  Question 2 / Testing Preschoolers
Dear Preschool Teacher,
     I teach 4 year old preschoolers. Some are very young 5's when they are in class. The school wants me to teach them number values (which is greater than/lesser than), and teach a letter a week. Some of the young 5's cant keep up with the pace of a letter a week, and I feel as if it is kindergarten work. They are becoming frustrated, angry, and the school tells me that they must keep up or I have to "fail" them. That is completely against what I believe. That preschool isn't mandatory, these parents sent these kids to get acclimated to school atmosphere, and how can you pass or fail preschool?? The parents are getting on me for being too tough, the school says to keep on teaching a letter sometimes for only 2 days, and move on to the next. My question is, is it fair to keep a young 5 back if he has proven he is ready in all other areas?? The areas they are having a tough time on, will be recovered in kindergarten. I say pass them on, the school is telling me to fail these little ones.
Thank you for any advice
School Problems    More...

1-24-00 Question 3 / Starting Own Preschool
Dear Preschool Teacher,
     I have been teaching in the public schools for ten years, the last five of which have been Kindergarten. I am very interested in starting my own preschool. Could anyone provide helpful resources to get me started (business manuals, websites, etc.)?
     Thank you in advance. I am very excited about pursuing this dream.
Starting on my Own    More...

1-26-00 Question 4 / Number activities
Dear Preschool Teacher,
    I am a Head Start teacher (first year) and wanted any ideas on how to help my little ones with their number recognition.  
Know your numbers    More...

1-26-00 Question 5 / Friendship theme
Dear Preschool Teacher,
    I'm looking for activities, songs, etc to go with a friendship theme we are
celebrating in the month of February. Any suggestions would be helpful since I am a first year teacher.
Thanks again!
Friendship in February
2-9-00 Question 6 / Positive Discipline
Dear Preschool Teacher,
    I teach 3yr. olds (they all turned 4 this past fall).  I am looking for positive ways to discipline them.  Time outs are not working that well!  I am interested in any type of rewards for good behavior type ideas.  Any and all suggestions would be helpful!
Tired of Timeouts!
2-21-00 Question 7/ Ambidextrous?
Dear Preschool Teacher,
    I am having some difficulty with a child exhibiting trouble with fine motor skills. This seems to be in using his left hand only. The problem is this is the hand he chooses to use. I have seen him use both hands for cutting, drawing, and writing. His skills are wonderful and age appropriate with his right hand. However, he INSISTS on using his left hand which he has little control over. I am at a loss. Should I remind him to switch hands? He instinctively uses his left hand on all projects. HELP!!
2-22-00 Question 8/ Settle for circle
Dear Preschool Teacher
    I team teach at a state funded preschool. We have a morning aide and afternoon aide. We teach 24 Spanish and English speaking children. Some days we have a hard time getting the children settled down for circle and music time. (it is after center's) How can I get their attention?
Settle for circle
2-23-00 Question 9/ Magnet Manipulative
Dear Preschool Teacher,
    I am currently going to the University of Rhode Island and have a practicum each week where I need to do an activity.  Next week is manipulative and I would like to do something with magnets.  Do you have any suggestions or innovative ideas that I would be able to use for this activity?  Your help is much appreciated.
Magnet Manipulative
2-26-00 Question 10/ Teaching to read
Dear Preschool Teacher,
    I am a student at Urbana high school. My friends and I are working on a report for child development, we would like to know some ways that are good for teaching preschoolers how to read, if you could give us some ideas that would be great thank you
Teaching to Read

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