Question 121/ Same & Different
Dear Preschool
I'm working with a 4 year old. I am
having trouble trying to find a way to teach her to tell the
difference between something that is the same, and different. Can you give me any good ideas?
I feel I have tried just about
everything I can think of. She also don't know her colors.
Same & Different More...
Question 122/ Mad Driver
Dear Preschool Teacher,
I always keep conversation on while driving
my two children. At times, I cannot concentrate on what they are
asking because of the heavy traffic situation. But my elder son,
5 yrs old keeps wanting an answer from me. Sometime, it really make me
mad and scolded him out front. I felt bad after each incident.
I've explained the situation that I was in to him a couple of times but still face the same problem. He doesn't seem to understand.
Do you have better suggestion?
Mad Driver More...
Question 123/ Scissor Song
Dear Preschool
Do you have a rhyme that is used to help teach
young children how to cut with scissors?
Scissor Song More...
Question 124/ ECE Definition
Dear Preschool Teacher,
I am a student and I was asked to
define early childhood education, please help answer this question.
ECE Definition More...
Question 125/ New to Preschool Planning
Dear Preschool Teacher,
My friends and I would like to set up a
preschool in my home for 4 children as we live in a very rural area
that is without a program. The ages are 2 1/2 to 4 years old.
I've been printed out some of the wonderful lessons that you have to
offer on this site. My question is how do I know how much time
to allocated for each activity? Also, we plan to run the
preschool 3 days a week for 2 and half hours a week, so how many
should we try to do? I don't want to over load them, but make it
a fun, learning experience.
New to Preschool Planning More...
Question 126/ Not Seeing Clear
Dear Preschool Teacher,
I am student teaching. One of my up and
coming themes is Mirrors. I am having a very difficult time
coming up with activities relating to and using mirrors. Any
Not Seeing Clear More...
Question 127/ Off The Hook
Dear Preschool
I'm having trouble coming up with some ideas
about telephone activity with (3) year olds. Can you please help me?
Off The Hook More...
Question 128/ Lowercase Letters
Dear Preschool
My 2 year old knows all the uppercase
letters and I wanted to introduce the lower case letters. Should I put
them all up with the uppercase or just do the lowercase letters. They
are the magnetic letters on the fridge. My question is how should I
introduce the lowercase letters.
Lowercase Letters More...
Question 129/ Waterbed Safety
Dear Preschool Teacher,
Do you know if it's safe for a 3-year old to
sleep on a waterbed? (or articles/websites that might have this
info) I know that it is not safe for infants.
Waterbed Safety More...
Question 130/ 21 to 1
Dear Preschool Teacher,
I am feeling so discouraged! I have
taught for eighteen years, the last three of which have been
pre-kindergarten in a public school. Our district received a federal
grant so we have initiated all day pre-kindergarten this year with
little or no training or preparation. I have 21 children in my
class and only have a teaching assistant every third day. I
question such an environment. I cannot possibly manage to teach
the large number of children as I would like because so much of my day
is organizational and crowd control at this point. Please help
me to find some solutions to this difficult situation. I cannot
understand why private schools who take pre-kindergarten students have
to have one teacher per nine children but the public schools do
not have to meet the same guidelines. Do you have any ideas,
suggestions, web sites...anything...I am
having such stressful days!
21 to 1 More...
121 - 130